Diners for Whiners

Let’s play word association. We say: “restaurant”. You think: “Fun and delicious”.
No, of course you don’t. You’re a mother. You think “spilled drinks, restless children and wasted food”. So do we.
But thanks to your team of Vancouver SavvyScouts, that’s all about to change. Check out their recommendations for this city’s top spots to feed tots:
Koko Mama
This eatery is mom-designed and operated—need we say more? Just some of the family-friendly touches include a large play area, an extra-wide door for those double strollers, kiddie-sized bathroom fixtures and a big clock on the wall so you don’t miss preschool pick-up time.
For the wee ones: organic baby food ($1.50), grilled cheese sandwiches ($1.95), 75-cent cheese strings and more. And although our SavvyScout chose the grilled cheese and salad off the delectable adult menu, she couldn’t resist dipping into the kids’ blue-iced Fairy and Wizard cupcakes (yum yum).
You’ll feel so at home you might forget to go home—but never fear, if you’re running late for dinner prep you can grab one of the family-sized, homestyle meals from the Kokopelli freezer. We cooked up the hearty chicken pot pie ($18.95) and basked in our family’s approval.
Kokopelli Café, www.kokopellicafe.ca, 4593 Dunbar St. (at 29th) 604-228-0818