6 Fresh Fruits & Veggies You Should Be Eating This Summer

Fresh Fruits and Veggies to Gobble Up This Summer - SavvyMom

With the summer months comes the bounty of locally-grown fresh fruits and veggies we miss during the colder months. And our tried and true imports seem even more flavourful. Here are the fresh fruits and veggies you should be gobbling up as much as possible over the next couple of months…

6 Fresh Fruits & Veggies You Should Be Eating This Summer

Corn on the Cob

Sweet, juicy, and delicious, corn is most definitely one of summer’s staples. Another much anticipated item on our list, nothing beats Ontario corn in season. You can pick your own or find a farmer parked at the side of the road with a truck load of freshly picked corn ready to be enjoyed. You don’t even have to peel back the husks to know this corn will be delicious and the best rule of thumb is to buy corn with the silk still damp. Corn is ready come mid-July and is lovely through until September.  Some crops may even last until Thanksgiving although most of us have had our fill by then.

Toss it in – Yep, summer is the perfect time for grilled corn on the cob. But did you know that there are a host of other things you can do with those grilled corn kernals? Grilled corn kernels make an amazing addition to Mexican-inspired salads, fresh salsas (we particularly like the combination of watermelon, feta, mint, and corn) and even quesadillias or fajitas.

fresh summer ingredients, stone fruit, nectarine

Peaches, Plums & Nectarines

Sweet and juicy peaches are perfect eaten on their own but are also popular in a number of desserts as well as jam. Plums come in a number of varieties and some have a lovely tart skin such as red plums, the perfect balance for their lovely, juicy sweet pulp. Prune plums are recognizable by their deep purple skin and are much “drier” but have a lovely, meaty bite.

Toss it in – Peaches, plums, and nectarines are stone fruits and they are all amazing additions to summer pies, tarts, and galettes. Slice peaches or nectarines into wedges and then toss with 1 tsp sugar and a pinch of cinammon. Let sit for 10 minutes and spoon over vanilla ice cream. Blend frozen peaches into a refreshing smoothie or even make your own homemade peach or nectarine sorbet or ice cream.

fresh summer ingredients, pomegranate


Pomegranates are a powerhouse of a fruit. They are extremely high in vitamin C, K, B5, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron. There is a compound found in pomegranates, punicalagin, that has been shown through studies to benefit the heart and blood vessels, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and increasing the rate at which heart blockages melt away. This wonder fruit also contains high levels of flavanoids and polyphenols which are potent antioxidants offering protection against heart disease and cancer. Pomegranates are also said to protect the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin by encouraging cell regeneration, helping in the repair of tissues, healing wounds and encouraging blood circulation to skin that is healing. One more thing? Pomegranates provide skin with compounds that aid in protecting against the free radical damage which can cause sun damage, sunburn and skin cancer.

Toss it in -We love pomegranate seeds sprinkled over salads or over your morning bowl of oatmeal.

fresh summer ingredients, fruits and veggies, gingerroot


The unmistakable zing of fresh ginger is a must-have for many Asian dishes. Mince or grate it into marinades and sauces, or cut ginger into coins, toss it into soups and let simmer with other ingredients to really pull out the refreshing bite of the flavourful root. Looking to use ginger in a unique manner? Whip up this refreshing rhubarb-ginger lemonade to serve at your next bbq. Note: many Thai recipes call for a similar-looking ingredient to ginger called galangal. While you can substitute one of the other, galangal has a much milder taste than ginger so be mindful when making the swap.

Toss it in –  Ginger is an ultra-versatile ingredient and can be used in many ways. Thinly slice ginger and fry in a little oil and add to sauteed greens, grate fresh ginger into your smoothies or juices, add freshly grated ginger to any Asian-inspired sauce or vinaigrette.

fresh summer ingredients, citrus fruits, lemon orange and grapefruit cut open

Citrus Fruits

When we think of citrus fruits, we often get stuck on oranges and lemons. But really, there are a few other amazing types of citrus fruits you should be eating this summer. From sour and tangy grapefruits to meyer lemons and fresh limes, citrus fruits can not only liven up any summer meal but they have a host of health benefits as well. Very high in vitamin c, they are great for warding off flus and colds, boosting your immune system and brightening your complexion. But they can also keep your digestion up to speed and help detox your liver.

Toss it in – One of the most logical things to do with citrus in the summer, is to make lemonade. But, how about trying limeade or grapefruit-lemonade instead? Add a squeeze of lemon juice to freshen up any vinaigrette and make a rub for grilled corn using flaked sea salt, smoked paprika and lime zest. Finally, starting your day with a glass of water and freshly squeezed lemon juice is one of the healthiest habits you can adopt.

Cherry Tomatoes

Tomatoes are everyone’s favourite summer fruit. Loaded with vitamin c and containing good levels of vitamin A, potassium, and fiber thrown in for good measure, tomatoes are so versatile and a no brainer. Rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that fights skin aging and may be beneficial against cancer and heart disease, eating a tomato a day will definitely keep the doctor away!

Toss it in – There are so many varities of tomatoes, from cherry to grape to heirloom, and each has a perfect use. Slice large beefsteak or heirloom tomatoes and use to top your favourite burger or sandwhich. Make a killer caprese or panzanella salad using the sweetest vine cherry tomatoes. Or make a super fresh and tasty tomato sauce using any rip tomato that you can get your hands on!


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