App to the Rescue

Realizing you don’t actually have any more diapers in the diaper bag. Okay, well maybe there isn’t an app for that! But amazingly there are tons of fun applications for your little iPhone that will help you out of many tight situations. Here are some quick scenarios where a fast download can help a mobile mom (or dad).
Long, long waits at the pediatrician’s office
App for that: Wheels on the Bus ($0.99)
This sweet, interactive board book will keep them busy for at least as long as your standard stint in the waiting room. We love that you can get the song to play in different languages with lots of fun surprises along the way. If your kids love Old MacDonald and the Itsy Bitsy Spider, they’re also available.
Batteries dying in the middle of videotaping the school play
App for that: Qik Video Camera ($1.99)
This clever little app turns any iPhone into an in-a-pinch video camera. The quality isn’t exactly high-def, but it’s better than missing the moment altogether. We also love that you can quickly post your clips to your Facebook page or Tweet them to Grandma (social media mavens that we are).
Big kid wants to play a board game, but little kid keeps “wrecking it”
Apps for that: The Game of Life, Monopoly, Clue, or Boggle ($0.99–2.99)
Games with lots of little pieces are magnetically attractive to toddlers and dashing all the pieces off the board is almost as instinctive as learning to crawl. Electronic Arts has come to the rescue for kids who just can’t take another interrupted round of their favourite game. Some old classics are now wonderfully interactive with no little pieces to chew, swallow or toss!