Sites in Our Sight


It’s a wild, wild world out there on the World Wide Web and it’s easy to get off course sometimes in our search for the right information. But when you find the definitive source (ahem), it’s definitely worth the trip.
So today we’ve got some sites to share—all great resources for moms that we keep coming back to visit time after time again, for a host of reasons:

Because Your Health Does Matter
Searching for medical information online is a growing trend (we just can’t help ourselves really) but how do you know whether the information you get back from that Google search is actually reliable and accurate? Women Wading through the Web is a web-based toolkit that solves this dilemma, published by, a website developed by Women’s College Hospital. It’s complete with guidelines on how to judge the quality of a medical website, (tip—the first thing to do is to look for the ‘About Us’ section and check the credentials of the medical advisors to the site), how to understand medical research, how to better interpret stories from the media, and how to better communicate with your doctor.


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